包含标签:Unity 的文章
GNOME Shell vs. Ubuntu Unity: Which desktop wins?(GNOME VS Unity,谁是linux桌面之王)
本文翻译于:http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/opensource/gnome-shell-vs-ubuntu-unity-which-desktop-wins/2291 (英文版权归原作者所有)
Takeaway: The war is almost on: GNOME Shell vs. Ubuntu Unity. Both have been available long enough to draw the conclusion as to which will rise above and find success. Jack Wallen offers up his take on the battle.
2011-04-24734 0 0 -
Unity桌面介绍|什么是Unity桌面(linux Unity Desktop Environment)
linux里最重要的而且最出名的桌面环境应该是 GNOME、KDE、Xfce、LXDE了
GNOME、KDE 是我从redhat年代就知道的桌面环境,一直沿用到今天,不过Ubuntu从下个版本起就开始抛弃gnome使用自己开发的Unity桌面环境了,那么什么事是Unity桌面呢?
一、什么是Unity桌面 Unity Desktop Environmen
Unity桌面环境是Ubuntu 自家开发的桌面环境,并且在新版本中将整合 Compiz。Unity 打破了传统的 GNOME 面板配置。它的左边包括一个类似 Dock 的启动器和任务管理面板;而顶面板则由应用程序 Indicator、窗口 Indicator、以及活...
2011-04-161.6K+ 0 0